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Opzione: |
Italiano | Español | English |
il colore | color | colour (UK), color (US) |
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arancione | naranja | orange |
argento | plateado | silver |
azzurro, blu | azul | blue |
beige | beige | beige |
bianco | blanco | white |
bordeaux | granate | maroon |
celeste | celeste | light blue, baby-blue |
dorato | dorado | golden |
fucsia | fucsia | fuchsia |
giallo | amarillo | yellow |
grigio | gris | grey (UK), gray (US) |
marrone | marrón | brown |
nero | negro | black |
porpora | púrpura | purple |
rosa | rosa | pink |
rosso | rojo | red |
scarlatto | rojo escarlata | scarlet |
trasparente | transparente | transparent |
turchese | turquesa | turquoise |
verde | verde | green |
verde-azzurro | verde azulado | teal |
viola, violetto | violeta | violet |
blu scuro | azul oscuro | dark blue |
... scuro | ... oscuro | dark ... |
rosso chiaro | rojo claro | light red |
... chiaro | ... claro | light ... |
blu pallido | azul pálido | pale blue |
... pallido | ... pálido | pale ... |
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bianco puro | blanco puro | lily-white, pure white |
biancastro | blancuzco | off-white |
bianco come neve | blanco como la nieve | snow-white |
blu navy | azul marino | navy blue |
blu reale | azul Francia | royal blue |
giallo canarino | amarillo canario/patito | canary yellow |
giallo limone | amarillo limón | lemon yellow |
nero carbone | negro carbón | coal-black |
nero corvino | negro azabache | jet-black, raven-black |
rosso sangue | rojo sangre/intenso | blood-red |
rosso mattone | rojo ladrillo | brick red |
rosso ciliegia | rojo cereza | cherry red |
verde bottiglia | verde botella | bottle green |
verde smeraldo | verde esmeralda | emerald green |
verde prato | verde hierba | grass green |
verde acqua | verde turquesa | jade-green |
verde lime | verde lima | lime green |
verde oliva | verde oliva | olive-green |
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colorato, pieno di colori | colorido, lleno de color | colourful (UK) |
multicolore | multicolor | multicoloured (UK), multicolored (US) |
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