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Giochi - Games

You can play this game to practice and learn new vocabulary. There are many words in each game, try to find them all!


Choose a subject

Level of this activity: EasyI vestiti - Facile

Level of this activity: DifficultI vestiti - Difficile

Level of this activity: EasyLa frutta - Facile

Level of this activity: DifficultLa frutta - Difficile

Level of this activity: EasyLa verdura - Facile

Level of this activity: DifficultLa verdura - Difficile

Level of this activity: EasyLe parti dell'automobile - Facile

Level of this activity: DifficultLe parti dell'automobile - Difficile

Level of this activity: EasyLe parti del corpo - Facile

Level of this activity: DifficultLe parti del corpo - Difficile

Level of this activity: EasyGli animali - Facile

Level of this activity: DifficultGli animali - Difficile


How to play

Find the words hidden among the letters. When you find a word, click on the first letter and then click on the last letter of that word. If you guessed it right, it will be marked with green squares. There are 15 words in each puzzle. All the words are taken from our Vocabulary pages.


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